When choosing a web hosting company there are many items you need to keep in mind. Some questions you should ask are:
Do I have FTP access?
Can I receive Emails and how many accounts do I get?
How much Disk Space am I allocated?
What is my bandwidth limit?
Does my account have a CGI-bin?
What types of support does the host offer?
What if I need a dedicated Server, can I get one?
Are any ads placed on my site?
1. Hosting companies that will host your site for free: Yahoo's Geocities.com or Lycos' Tripod.com.
2. Companies that will host your site for a fee.
So why doesn't everyone choose the free sites?
Free sites are very limiting
They do not allow you to store much on your pages.
You will probably will not be able to run different scripts.
Usually No Mailboxes - unless you pay extra!
You may not be able to choose a domain name
You could have annoying advertising banners on your site
And much more ...
By paying for a site, you get flexibility and capabilities beyond what any free site could give you.
Sunshine Web Design offers 24/7 technical support through bluedomino.com. Hosting through us you have the option of automatic bill payment. There are no banner ads placed on your website, unless you want them. We are a customer friendly company who wants your Internet experience to be fun and hassle-free. Sunshine Web Design also offers custom designed, professional web sites and personal support to ensure 100% customer satisfaction.